Get a free Uber home with Guaranteed Ride Home Skip to content

Do You Have A Backup Plan?

We get it: relying on the bus, train, vanpool, or carpool to get you around is a leap of faith. That’s why My Georgia Commute Options gives you a Guaranteed Ride Home–just for signing up.

How do I get a Guaranteed Ride Home?

As soon as you join the MyGCO Shift network, you get a free Uber home in case of emergency. MyGCO will order you a ride to your place or a Park and Ride (if you need to grab your car.) When you need it, just open the Programs page of your MyGCO app and tap Guaranteed Ride Home to claim! Once you’ve used your first ride home, you’ll get another for every 8 clean commutes logged, up to 5 per year. 

Still confused? Watch the video below for a full walkthrough.  

Here's how Shift and MyGCO get you home

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